
Mechanization and Electrification of Agriculture

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Modern farming is highly mechanized, ensuring the fulfillment of basic technological processes of crop and livestock productionby technical means, using their work with different levels of energy. Given that liquid and gaseous forms of energy are natural materials and their presence is not unlimited, it is necessary in every way to save them in connection with the extensive use of them for industrial and domestic use. Therefore, in recent years, many experts call energy saving the country’s economic security. Only in the 1980s they began to conduct energy analysis in agricultural production, which was aimed at developing resource- and energy-saving technologies in agricultural production. The efficiency of energy consumption in the process of agricultural production in this energy analysis is typically characterized by the «energy efficiency», which is the ratio of energy stored by photosynthesis and bioconversion to the total energy costs for the production of agricultural produce, obtained mainly from non-renewable sources. The article describes the methodology of the energy analysis of technological processes and means of mechanization of agricultural production, proposed by Academician M. E. Matsepuro and dubbed «The principle of optimal energy consumption of technological processes and means of mechanization», including indicators of useful energy consumption in the production process and the efficiency of the working organ or machine-tractor unit. The optimum combination of these parameters helps to minimize the energy required to perform the technological process, which is the basis of energy conservation in agricultural production.

About the Author

I. I. Piunovsky
RUE «SPC NAS of Belarus for Agriculture Mechanization»



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For citations:

Piunovsky I.I. SCIENTIFIC HERITAGE OF ACADEMICIAN M. E. MATSEPURO ON ENERGY CONSERVATION IN AGRICULTURE (to the 110th birthday). Mechanization and Electrification of Agriculture. 2019;(52):29-33. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 2222-8837 (Print)