
Mechanization and Electrification of Agriculture

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In the article the relevance of the need to consider the impact of deviations from the radial position of the blades to work the rotary mower. Theoretically established that the increase in mass, angular velocity, distance from the center of mounting knife to the center of mass of the knife, as well as increasing the deflection angle of the knife and the knife to increase the supply of its force on the cut and ground vegetation. Deviation from the radial position of the blade 90° should be regarded as limiting.
To increase the force of impact with the other parameters being equal should strive for a possible reduction of the kinematic radius of the rotor bearing.

About the Authors

N. G. Bakach
RUE «SPC NAS of Belarus for Agriculture Mechanization»


I. E. Mazhuhin
RUE «SPC NAS of Belarus for Agriculture Mechanization»


S. P. Kostroma
RUE «SPC NAS of Belarus for Agriculture Mechanization»



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For citations:

Bakach N.G., Mazhuhin I.E., Kostroma S.P. INFLUENCE OF KNIVES DIVERCE FROM RADIAL PROVISIONS FOR WORK OF ROTARY MOWERS. Mechanization and Electrification of Agriculture. 2019;(52):167-172. (In Russ.)

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