
Mechanization and Electrification of Agriculture

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Effective in the creation of heat-stressed systems for the parametric series of mobile agricultural machines is the development of modular systems. A modular series of heat-stressed systems, using the example of the BELARUS range of tractors, allows for deep unification of systems and significant financial savings at the production and operational stages.
A design methodology was proposed that combined new scientific positions in this direction. The methodology of system design is complemented by the morphological method of developing structural schemes and designs, and, what is especially important, a normative (numerical) estimation of the complexity of the system is proposed, allowing comparative evaluation of the developed systems in comparison with the baseline ones. The morphological method and the modular principle in their totality are a new effective direction in creating promising systems of mobile agricultural machinery.

About the Authors

V. E. Tarasenko
Educational Establishment «Belarusian State Agrarian Technical University»


A. A. Zheshko
RUE «SPC NAS of Belarus for Agriculture Mechanization»



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For citations:

Tarasenko V.E., Zheshko A.A. DEVELOPMENT OF THE SCHEME AND CONSTRUCTION OF HEAT-SUPPRESSED SYSTEMS OF MOBILE AGRICULTURAL MACHINES. Mechanization and Electrification of Agriculture. 2019;(52):210-219. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 2222-8837 (Print)