
Mechanization and Electrification of Agriculture

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The productivity of adult cattle is directly dependent on the quality of feeding calves during the dairy period. In the first days after birth, the calf can only eat liquid feed, since they only have intestinal digestion, and scarring is only rudimentary. The age of transition from intestinal to gastric digestion can and should be accelerated by introducing plant food into the diet.
It is shown that all vegetable feeds, even leguminous calves, are eaten and increased only within the limit of 20-30 days of age of calves. In world practice, there are many ways of processing grain raw materials in order to increase their digestibility and digestibility at an earlier time, but only after moisture and heat treatment. The effect of heat and moisture on the grain mixture causes biochemical processes in it, as a result of which there is an enzymatic cleavage, dextrinization and a number of other processes and they are converted into more digestible feed. But this is a very energy-intensive and metal-intensive process. For the purpose of processing plant feed into easily digestible, an innovative technology and a set of equipment has been developed that allows preparing easily digestible concentrate for calves of the dairy period.
The developed technology and equipment allow processing any vegetable feed into easily digestible feed, which reduces the time of adaptation of calves to eating vegetable feed, which leads to accelerated development of digestion, due to earlier eating of prepared feed, reducing the consumption of whole milk and increasing weight gain.

About the Authors

V. I. Perednia
RUE "SPC NAS of Belarus on the mechanization of agriculture"

E. L. Zhilich
RUE "SPC NAS of Belarus on the mechanization of agriculture"

A. A. Kuvshinov
RUE "SPC NAS of Belarus on the mechanization of agriculture"

A. M. Zlotnik
RUE "SPC NAS of Belarus on the mechanization of agriculture"


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For citations:

Perednia V.I., Zhilich E.L., Kuvshinov A.A., Zlotnik A.M. INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGY AND EQUIPMENT FOR PREPARING EASILY DIGESTIBLE CONCENTRATE. Mechanization and Electrification of Agriculture. 2020;(54):134-139. (In Russ.)

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