
Mechanization and Electrification of Agriculture

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This article describes the process of creating a training sample for training an artificial neural network (hereinafter referred to asANN) of a vision system.ANN training was carried out on the basis of annotated images of real apples containing a description of various defects in the form of separate polygons using the LabelMe program. On the image of the fruit, the apple itself and its pomological features, such as receptacle, peduncle and leaf, were marked, as well as 10 different fruit defects, each of which was given an appropriate name: mesh, pressure, cut, rot, scab, hailstone, etc. The resulting labeled images of fetuses with defects formed a reference training set for the ANN. The performance of the ANN was tested by evaluating the correctness of recognition of fetal images when comparing them with reference images. The training of the ANN for each of the defects in apples was stopped when the 95% probability of the correct assessment of the defect was reached. The ANN trained on the created training sample was used in the vision system of the LSP-4 production line, which provides sorting of apples into three commercial varieties by size and defects from mechanical damage, diseases and pests. The accuracy of sorting by size was 75.4 %, and by the presence of defects – 73.1 %.

About the Author

A. N. Yuryn
RUE “SPC NAS of Belarus for Agricultural Mechanization”



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For citations:

Yuryn A.N. CREATION OF A VISION SYSTEM WITH AN ARTIFICIAL NEURAL NETWORK FOR SORTING APPLES. Mechanization and Electrification of Agriculture. 2024;1(57):97-107. (In Russ.)

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