
Mechanization and Electrification of Agriculture

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The article presents the results of theoretical studies of the influence of the vibrational motion of gratings on the efficiency of separation of seed mixtures.
It is established that, in some approximation, the processes of separation by plane oscillating gravitational and conical vibrating centrifugal gratings with a vertical axis of rotation and axial oscillations have a similarity.
Flat oscillating gravitational sieves provide the process of movement of a layer of a separated mixture over their surface when exposed to it as a component of the vibrational motion along the surface of the sieve, and acting in the normal direction of the component of this force, which creates conditions for intensification of the interlayer process – segregation, Intensity of particle sifting.
Cylindrical vibrating centrifugal sieves with a vertical axis of rotation and axial oscillations provide a significant increase in sieving performance due to an increase in the force of pressing the separable layer of the seed mixture to the sieve surface caused by the centrifugal force of their rotational motion. However, the process of segregation in the layer occurs only due to the action of the vibrational motion along the surface of the sieves caused by axial oscillations, which does not ensure the intensification of this process, similar to the process of separation by plane oscillating gravitational and conical vibrocentrifugal gratings.
The processes of separation of flat oscillating gravitational and conical vibrating centrifugal gratings with a vertical axis of rotation and axial oscillations (the surface of the sieves in the form of a section of the lateral surface of a truncated cone) have the greatest similarity with respect to the action of forces on the separable layer of the seed mixture.
The conical vibrating centrifugal sieves provide the layer of the separated mixture both by pressing against their internal surface and intensifying the segregation process due to the component of the vibrational motion in the normal direction, which makes them more efficient.

About the Authors

V. V. Adamchuk
NSC «Institute for Agricultural Engineering and Electrification» National academy of agrarian Sciences of Ukraine (NSC «IAEE»)

Glevakha, Kiev region

A. N. Prilutsky
NSC «Institute for Agricultural Engineering and Electrification» National academy of agrarian Sciences of Ukraine (NSC «IAEE»)

Glevakha, Kiev region


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For citations:

Adamchuk V.V., Prilutsky A.N. THEORETICAL STUDIES OF THE EFFECT OF VIBRATIONAL MOTION OF GRATINGS ON THE EFFICIENCY OF SEPARATION OF SEED MIXTURES. Mechanization and Electrification of Agriculture. 2018;(51):28-34. (In Russ.)

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