
Mechanization and Electrification of Agriculture

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The article shows that one of the most important knots of any milking plant is a nipple rubber, since the amount and fat content of the milk obtained, the length of milking, the health of animals and the quality of milk depend on it. In this regard, the nipple rubber should well hold the glasses on the udder's nipples, preventing them from falling and crawling, not to prevent the flow of milk from the udder and at the same time tightly fit the nipples above the sphincter zone to protect them from the traumatic effect of the vacuum during the sucking cycle and completely block access Discharge to the nipples with a compression stroke (rest) to restore normal circulation in them. To fulfill these functions and requirements, as shown by numerous studies, the main parameters of the nipple rubber should be elasticity (elasticity, rigidity) and elongation. The elastic properties of rubber affect the duration of the sucking and squeezing stroke, the harder the nipple rubber, the greater the pressure drop must be applied to its walls so that they close under the nipple of the cow in the compression stroke, that is, the compression stroke will come a little later, and its duration will therefore decrease . During operation, the nipple rubber «ages», which leads to an increase in stiffness, a decrease in the massage effect on the nipples, an increase in the time spent on resting (compressing), increasing the time of milking and the appearance of microcracks on the inner surface where milk fats accumulate and microorganisms appear. As shown by Kingston's research, effective use of teat rubber should be no more than 2500 cow. With maintenance, domestic nipple rubber can effectively serve no more than 2300 cowworms.

About the Authors

V. I. Perednya
RUE «SPC NAS of Belarus for Agriculture Mechanization»


Y. A. Bashko
RUE «SPC NAS of Belarus for Agriculture Mechanization»


A. A. Kuvshinov
RUE «SPC NAS of Belarus for Agriculture Mechanization»


I. A. Stupchik
RUE «SPC NAS of Belarus for Agriculture Mechanization»



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For citations:

Perednya V.I., Bashko Y.A., Kuvshinov A.A., Stupchik I.A. TO THE QUESTION OF DETERMINING THE EFFECTIVE RESOURCE OF NIPPLE RUBBER. Mechanization and Electrification of Agriculture. 2018;(51):160-165. (In Russ.)

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