Optimal is the cooling system that provides the best performance of the higher-level system in which the cooling system is located. In this case, it is the internal combustion engine of a mobile machine. The performance of the engine is determined by its thermal condition and the temperature of its main elements. Indirectly, this indicator can be taken as the coolant temperature of the cooling system. The optimal cooling system is a system that, fi rstly, fully meets its goals, and, secondly, provides a predetermined temperature regime of the engine at the lowest material costs for the manufacture and operation [1].
The problem of optimization of parameters of the cooling system with constraints-inequalities and the use of the Kuhn-Tucker condition is solved in the article
About the Authors
V. E. TarasenkoBelarus
A. A. Zheshko
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6. Тракторы BELARUS. [Электронный ресурс]. – 2018. Режим доступа: – Дата доступа 24.05.2018.
7. Тарасенко, В. Е. Определение параметров автотракторных радиаторов / В. Е. Тарасенко // Iнженерiя природокористування. – Харкiв, 2016. – №2 (6). – С. 12–18.
8. Тарасенко, В. Е. Эффективность охлаждающих поверхностей автотракторных радиаторов / В. Е. Тарасенко // Исследования, результаты. – Алматы, 2015. – №01 (065). – С. 155–163.
For citations:
Tarasenko V.E., Zheshko A.A. PARAMETER OPTIMIZATION OF COOLING SYSTEMS STANDARD SERIES OF TRACTORS “BELARUS”. Mechanization and Electrification of Agriculture. 2020;(53):6-10. (In Russ.)