During the operation of automotive engines, their parts wear out, their geometric shape changes, the gaps between the friction pairs increase. The wear depends on many factors: operating conditions, timely and quality maintenance, quality performance materials that are timely fault detection and prevention, skilled operator etc. With longer service life engine, its operation becomes more expensive, increasing costs for maintenance and repair, and operating supplies. Operation of the engine with hidden faults may result in emergency wear and engine failure. Repair of the damaged engine requires large capital investments.
Diagnostic work is reduced to the sequential implementation of a number of actions and special measures aimed at confi rming or refuting assumptions about the manifested fault and the causes of its occurrence. It is important that all possible causes have been considered, the order of their consideration has been correctly determined (on the principle of “from simple to complex”) and the most effective, for a particular case, methods of diagnosis have been applied, which will reduce time and costs, as well as eliminate errors.
The operation of a faulty engine is characterized by a number of external manifestations, expressed in a change in the color of the exhaust gases, the presence of extraneous noises and knocks, increased consumption of operational materials, deterioration of the main operating characteristics (power, torque, etc.). An unambiguous correspondence of the external feature and the malfunction (defects) of the parts is not observed, so a causal analysis of the irregularities is required.
About the Authors
V. E. TarasenkoBelarus
A. S. Say
A. A. Zheshko
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For citations:
Tarasenko V.E., Say A.S., Zheshko A.A. DEVELOPMENT OF A METHOD FOR IDENTIFYING DEFECTS AND FORECASTING THE RESIDUAL RESOURCE OF PARTS FOR AUTOTRACTOR ENGINES. Mechanization and Electrification of Agriculture. 2020;(53):141-149. (In Russ.)