
Mechanization and Electrification of Agriculture

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No 57 (2024)
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3-8 141

This article provides a natural-production characteristic of intensive gardening in the Republic of Belarus and outlines the main directions of its development.

13-22 96

This article considers the issue of using means of mechanization of the most labor-intensive processes of intensive horticulture in Belarus. It has been established that the level of mechanization of the basic technology of cultivating an apple orchard is only 12.5%, and requires financial resources – 6163 rubles / ha. A set of machines developed by RUE “SPC NAS of Belarus for agricultural mechanization” consists of an ASU-6 unit for harvesting fruits and pruning trees, a KUV-1.8 complex forswathing and chopping cut branches of fruit trees and a technological line LSP-4 for sorting and packing apples allows you to mechanize these processes. The use of the proposed train of machines in a promising garden cultivation technology allows for annual cost savings on the technological map in the amount of 1018.55 rubles/ha, a reduction in labor costs by 278.5 man-hours/ha, and the level of mechanization of intensive garden cultivation – 50.1%.

23-27 119

The technology for harvesting and storing grain straw in the Central Asian republics includes three stages. The combine leaves threshed straw on the field. Then a second unit with a baler enters the field. He picks up the straw, forms it into bales and leaves it on the field. The third unit transports the bales outside the field. Clearing the field of straw takes longer, so the harvest of repeated crops does not always have time to fully ripen before heavy autumn rainfall.
The authors recommend installing the baling apparatus into the straw discharge chamber of the combine. To drive the pressing apparatus, the drive provided for the straw chopping and spreading device will be used. Combining grain threshing on a combine with pressing gives an economic effect: the cost of accelerating the release of a grain field for re-sowing will be significantly reduced, and sowing can be done earlier.

28-33 104

The article presentsthe analysis and results ofscientific research on agrotechnical problems of farming in Uzbekistan. The features of the state of various soils, the main directions for preserving and increasing their fertility are considered. The problems of optimizing the physical properties of soils, issues of the state of fertility of irrigated soils of the republic are covered. The results of a physical assessment ofsoils are presented. The results of studies on the physical and mechanical properties of irrigated soil are presented. Attention is paid to the problems of improving the basic physical and mechanical properties of soil.

34-38 97

The article presents an algorithm for calculating the operating modes of the MST-2 dryer, in which the optimal moisture content of flax straw is achieved, which allows obtaining the maximum yield of long flax fiber

39-43 91

The article discusses the technological parameters of the scutching machine and their influence on the output of long flax fiber. The influence of the initial parameters of the flax straw and their interaction with the operating modes of the scutching machine is considered.

44-48 107

The article deals with safety issues and causes of fires on mobile agricultural machinery, a patent technical solution for fire extinguishing on a forage harvester is proposed.

55-62 81

The article presents an analysis of the results of experimental studies of the process of felling grass feed with a wheel-finger rake with double-type working bodies.

63-68 95

The results of designing an application for the automated formation of the structure of a fleet of mobile forage harvesting machines are presented.

69-73 102

The system was tested and the rational modes of operation of an agricultural unmanned aerial vehicle for the introduction of liquid solutions from the condition of minimal demolition of the working fluid at a given rotational speed of the rotating sprayer and the size of droplets were determined

74-76 107

This article provides a rationale for the method of inspecting the surface of fruits during their sorting by means of an optical method using a technical vision system.

77-80 99

This article presents an analysis of the technologies for recycling cut branches in intensive gardens in the Republic of Belarus.

81-87 91

The article is devoted to the relevance of creating a technical tool for automating the apple sorting process, in particular, its main element – a technical vision system. The article presents the rationale for the method of training an artificial neural network (ANN) for fruit defects, proposes its architecture for solving this problem, substantiates the criteria for assessing the accuracy and completeness of defect recognition, and also presents the results of the operation of a technical vision system (VS) using the proposed ANN.
The developed technical vision system was introduced into the LSP-4 apple sorting and packaging line, which successfully passed acceptance tests and production inspection at Ostromechevo OJSC, Brest region. During acceptance tests of the LSP-4 line, it was found that it ensures sorting accuracy by size of 75.4 %, by the presence of defects – 73.1 % and labor productivity – 1.8 t/h.

88-96 109

This article presents an analysis of the main modes of operation of the activator of a berry harvester and provides a rationale for the main parameters of a two-shaft unbalanced activator drive mechanism. The quality of the harvesting processes in the cultivation of perennial plantations is determined mainly by the frequency and amplitude of oscillations of the harvester activator. As a result of theoretical studies, the type and design and technological scheme of a two-shaft vibration exciter with two unbalances that are rigidly connected to each other and rotate in the same direction with a displacement of 180° are substantiated. The analysis of the functioning of the vibration exciter made it possible to establish rational values of the mass of goods ma= 4,0 kg and the length of the arms r = 0,02 m, providing vibrations with an amplitude of A = 23...27 mm in the frequency range of oscillations of 8...20 Hz, which corresponds to harvesting a wide range of berry crops. The results of the research were used to create a trailed berry harvester KPYA, the use of which ensures high-quality harvesting with minimal damage to berries and shrubs of chokeberry, currant, gooseberry, dog rose and raspberry.

97-107 87

This article describes the process of creating a training sample for training an artificial neural network (hereinafter referred to asANN) of a vision system.ANN training was carried out on the basis of annotated images of real apples containing a description of various defects in the form of separate polygons using the LabelMe program. On the image of the fruit, the apple itself and its pomological features, such as receptacle, peduncle and leaf, were marked, as well as 10 different fruit defects, each of which was given an appropriate name: mesh, pressure, cut, rot, scab, hailstone, etc. The resulting labeled images of fetuses with defects formed a reference training set for the ANN. The performance of the ANN was tested by evaluating the correctness of recognition of fetal images when comparing them with reference images. The training of the ANN for each of the defects in apples was stopped when the 95% probability of the correct assessment of the defect was reached. The ANN trained on the created training sample was used in the vision system of the LSP-4 production line, which provides sorting of apples into three commercial varieties by size and defects from mechanical damage, diseases and pests. The accuracy of sorting by size was 75.4 %, and by the presence of defects – 73.1 %.

108-114 71

This article provides an analysis of studies on the justification of the parameters of technical means for the disposal of cut branches in intensive gardens.

115-118 66

This article presents a rationale for the rational design and technological scheme of a tunnel device for a tent sprayer with a circular movement of air flow with a “Snail” type diffuser.

119-124 76

This article presents the results of research to substantiate the rational parameters of controlled drip irrigation systems.

125-131 74

This article provides an analysis of existing managed systems drip irrigation.

132-135 80

The article presents the results of experimental studies of the influence of bit width on the critical depth of loosening of sod-podzolic medium loamy soils.

136-145 83

The article presents the results of testing a prototype of a spray device for a milk cooler washing system.

146-150 139

The article discusses the issue of animal thermoregulation. The surface temperature of cattle was studied at various ambient temperatures. The total heat transfer of the cow’s udder was determined based on the thermophysical phenomena of conductivity, convection, radiation and evaporation.

151-154 56

The results of laboratory studies on the determination of the specific methane yield from the unit mass of organic dry matter of cucumber and tomato plant residues during their anaerobic biofermentation are presented. The energy potential of plant residues in the vegetable growing of the protected soil of the Republic of Belarus during their processing in biogas plants is calculated.

155-157 85

The possibility of using a contactless method to study the dynamics of changesin the quality indicators of flax trust tapes in the process of laying on the field is considered.

158-162 50

The article reviews and analyzes studies of the influence of the type of baler on movement deviations from the flax belt.

163-168 82

The design and technological parameters and modes of operation of the trepal installation are substantiated.

169-174 59

The article presents an analytical relationship that allows us to determine the minimum diameter of a soil-cultivating roller from the point of view of its unhindered rolling through soil clods located on the cultivated field, ensuring the required quality indicators for the technological process of soil rolling.

175-180 41

Testing the paw cultivator for wear. The results were obtained by testing the paw in an experimental wear research facility.

181-187 39

In the article theoretical researches are carried out and the model of investigation of fatal accidents in cattle breeding caused by the action of dangerous and harmful factors of natural character, namely, lightning strike is substantiated. The situational model of an accident is constructed, which allowed to establish regularities of occurrence of cases of industrial traumatism with fatal outcome from thunderstorm manifestations at summerpasture cattle keeping.

188-193 49

Perspective sensors and actuators for the implementation of an information-computing system for organizing mechanized work are considered.

194-198 55

The article considers the issues of determining the general path of the machines when harvesting herbs and the area of field compaction depending on the kinematic parameters of the machines and the size of the working areas.

199-205 45

The list of actual organoleptic techniques for assessing the state of the internal combustion engine of tractor equipment is given, which, along with modern means of diagnostics, make it possible to determine the technical condition of machines quite effectively, without resorting to the use of expensive equipment and significantly reducing the complexity of diagnostics.

206-209 58

The article discusses the methodology for choosing a rational mode of movement of the actuator link (rod) of a front loader hydraulic cylinder from the position of energy saving.

210-218 61

We are considering the use of a new class of structural materials in the operation and repair of automotive and tractor engines – friction surface geomodifiers, which cause the formation of carbon diamond-like wear-resistant anti-friction coatings from several to tens of micrometers on the friction surfaces, is considered. The physical mechanisms are described that lead to an increase in the properties of various objects when highly dispersed serpentine compositions – mixtures of hydrosilicates of magnesium, aluminum, nickel, and iron are introduced into their oils. On the basis of numerous tests of various engines, changes in their performance indicators are shown after the introduction of the compositions into the working internal combustion engines and during the machine-tool method of manufacturing their parts.

219-224 41

The  article  provides  a  method  for  calculating the  distribution  of torques  along the  branches  of  a blocked 4×4 center­to­center drive of a machine­tractor unit.

225-228 72

The article provides a calculation of the parameters of the tray and copiers of the Colorado beetle collection machine, and also considers the design of the tray and copiers when growing environmentally friendly potatoes.

229-233 43

The article presents the results of studies on the adaptation of the process of mechanical processing of herbs when mowing with a billet-type ivy device to the peculiarities of the structure and physiological properties of feed crops, presents the theoretical foundations of interaction of working organs with plants and proposals for increasing the efficiency of processing herbs for intensifying their drying.

234-242 59

t. One of the most important problems in grain production in the Republic of Belarus is the increase in labor productivity, which is 4–5 times less than labor production in the EU countries. Energy-intensive operations, such as ploughing and cleaning, have a large impact on labor productivity and unit operating costs. This article is devoted to the study of the main regularities of plowing operations, which, being a complex technical system, is associated with the use of a large amount of agrotechnological, technical, operational, resource and economic information (operation duration, running length, physical and mechanical properties of soils, depth of processing, permissible range of speeds of the unit, fuel-energy, power and traction characteristics of the engine, width of the unit capture, economic indicators, etc.). Currently, as a result of the introduction of computer mathematics systems, effective methods for studying complex technical systems have appeared, allowing for multifactorial modeling and multi-criteria optimization of the production process and the formation of a complex of machines by system analysis. A necessary condition for a complete and comprehensive description of the functioning of a complex technical system is the presence of conflicting optimization parameters, as well as the presence of a complete set of independent control factors that significantly affect these parameters. A distinctive feature of the proposed method consists in determining not one optimal solution, but a set of Pareto-optimal solutions that give the manufacturer new opportunities to choose when organizing a production process that increases the efficiency of the plowing operation, and, therefore, the profitability of grain production as a whole. Therefore, increasing labor productivity at permissible specific ex-pluatational costs by forming a rational complex of machines and modes of its operation in specific production conditions is an urgent scientific and technical task. The mathematical illustration of the method is given for the natural production conditions of the Republic of Belarus.

243-253 54

The method ofstochastic modeling ofsingle-factor technological processes by equationsin orthogonal polynomials has been developed. The method is illustrated on the typical problem of crop production – the construction of a dependence on the shortage of grain yield when the sowing period deviates from the optimal value.

254-257 50

The article examines the main directions for the formation of a system of machines and technologies (SMT) for the comprehensive mechanization of agricultural production until 2035. SMT should serve as a guide for the further development of agricultural engineering and agro-industrial production.

258-262 74

The issues of technical support for the process of introducing bacterial fertilizers into the soil are considered based on the use of a device for distributing the flow of working fluid of bacterial preparations according to the number of sowing working bodies. It has been established that the proposed design of the device ensures uneven distribution of liquid forms of bacterial preparations among the number of seeding working bodies at a level not exceeding 10%, estimated by the coefficient of variation. High quality is achieved when the pressure of the working fluid in the system is up to 0.3 MPa, the diameter of the nozzle channel is 3–5 mm, and the angle of inclination of the device from the vertical is up to 6 degrees.

263-267 63

The article gives an analysis of the ways of dispersing a single large droplet of fuel mixture in the combustion chambers of engines, indicating the way to increase the dispersity of the spreading due to the magnetization of the pumped multicomponent fuel mixture.

268-277 64

The article presents the results of a study on the formation and justification of the parameters of a comb for laying a drip irrigation hose and sowing seeds. The features of the agrometeorological conditions of Uzbekistan during spring sowing are studied. Based on the variability of weather – precipitation, atmospheric air temperature and soil, the parameters of the ridge size are justified. A machine design has been proposed for presowing strip milling of the soil, formation of a ridge, laying of a drip irrigation hose, compaction of the soil, ensuring the physical and mechanical composition of the soil of the ridge and the possibility of sowing seeds. The design of a milling machine for strip processing with the formation of a ridge of a given shape, composition and parameters, a ridge sealer according to the required soil density has been developed. The main parameters of the comb shaper are substantiated.

278-283 66

The article shows the insufficient productivity of desert pastures for the development of livestock farming. To increase the productivity of pastures by sowing seeds of desert forage plants, a universal seeder is proposed that provides seed sowing with simultaneous strip tillage of the soil 10–12 cm wide and deep. The parameters of the wedge-shaped ripper are justified.

284-288 40

The article discusses and presents the results of theoretical research in the field of field processing. The main parameters of the working body, a developed two-stage, two-row subsoiler, which has an optimal design for deep loosening and the ability to adapt it to external conditions and types of work performed, are recommended. One of the ways to reduce traction resistance during the operation of a subsoiler has been proposed.

289-294 55

The paper discusses an algorithm for optimizing the effective distribution of resources that determine the cost of performing assembly work while observing restrictions that ensure high quality assembly of livestock machines and equipment.

295-299 39

The article presents the theory of mass transfer in a device designed to produce a high-quality mixture of diesel and bioethanol fuel, which heats the fuel to a certain temperature and creates a high-quality mixture. Devices for mass transfer processes must be designed in such a way that the contact surface on them is maximally developed. Accordingly, the classification of diffusion equipment is based on the principle of interfacial surface formation.

300-306 60

The prerequisites for clarifying the theory of interaction between a tractor and mounted agricultural implements are outlined. Equations of kinematics (relationships between small mutual longitudinal-angular movements of the tractor and mounted agricultural implements) and their dynamics as a result of these movements are obtained.

307-311 42

A brief analysis of the operation of hydraulic manure cleaning systems was carried out, some technical solutions were proposed to improve the operation of such systems.

312-315 69

The article proposes a methodology and nomograms for determining the weight of the tractor ballast cargoes, taking into account the aggregation method, the scheme for applying a traction load (symmetrical or not symmetrical) and the ballast option already installed on the tractor.

316-319 36

In agricultural production, aggregates with active working bodies are widely applied. Their drive is carried out through power take-off shafts(PTO) with tractors. Reduction of dynamic loads of the drive helpsimprove aggregates’ performance reliability. This can be achieved by improving the designs of tractor PTO mechanisms.

320-325 54

The features of thermal and electrotechnological methods of processing feed materials are considered, the results of studies of the electrical conductivity of the grain substance and moistened mass, the kinetics of electrode heating of the dispersed system, depending on the determining factors, are presented.

326-332 50

The article assesses the prospects for using various solutions to improve electromechanical and electric transmissions of tractors.

333-337 65

The article presentsthe results of an engineering analysis of the design of a rotary working body during the cleaning of reclamation channels. The dependences of the influence of the physico-mechanical parameters of tree and shrub vegetation, the design and operating parameters of the channel cleaner on the maximum diameter of the trunk of branches that can be removed (cut off) by the rotary working body with the specified parameters are established.

338-343 47

The article formulates recommendations on the choice of an electric thermal circuit of an electrode electric heater, taking into account technical and economic parameters.

344-349 48

The results of the study of the effectiveness of additive sheet lamination technology in the production of spur gears are presented.

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ISSN 2222-8837 (Print)