The article presents the prospects in the fi eld of precision agriculture and proposes the tasks that require a primary solution.
Optimal is the cooling system that provides the best performance of the higher-level system in which the cooling system is located. In this case, it is the internal combustion engine of a mobile machine. The performance of the engine is determined by its thermal condition and the temperature of its main elements. Indirectly, this indicator can be taken as the coolant temperature of the cooling system. The optimal cooling system is a system that, fi rstly, fully meets its goals, and, secondly, provides a predetermined temperature regime of the engine at the lowest material costs for the manufacture and operation [1].
The problem of optimization of parameters of the cooling system with constraints-inequalities and the use of the Kuhn-Tucker condition is solved in the article
The use of skim milk substitutes containing 20% and 22% protein in mixed feed КР-2 contributes to increased live weight and average daily growth and is most effective for calves over 65 days of age.
The article analyzes the supply of long and short fl ax fi ber to the Orsha Linen Plant RUPTP, examines the state of fl ax plants involved in the primary processing of fl ax and suggests ways out of this situation.
The article analyzes the causes of losses of grain and seeds during storage, and justifi ed the need to create equipment to ensure active ventilation of grain and grain heaps during storage.
This article presents the technical and design parameters of the profi ler former developed and proposed by us. This profi ler is recommended for use as part of the AU-M2 unit for pre-emergence processing of potato ridges and giving the surface of trapezoidal ridges, simultaneously with the compaction of the topsoil and better weed seed germination, so that they can be removed even before the potato shoots, which is of great importance for ecological farming.
This article analyzes the main canstructions of shtangovye and fan sprayers for treating plants with working solutions, as well as their design, technological process, main technological adjustable parameters, as the basis for the design and creation of a sprayer for volumetric and tape application of working solutions in the system of ecological farming.
The article deals with the problem of prevention and reduction of damage to potato tubers at the stage of harvesting and post-harvest processing due to the high-precision method of recognition of hazardous areas in commercially available equipment.
To solve this problem, it is proposed to develop an electronic model of potato tubers, capable of perceiving external loads and instantly inform the operator about the most dangerous areas and operating modes of the equipment.
The article describes the ways to increase interrow cultivation of row crops, the prospects for its further development.
The article presents an unconventional, revolutionary hydropower equipment, effectively operating in a wide range of changes in pressure and water fl ow with a high effi ciency of the hydraulic unit, both in turbine and pump modes.
The article discusses the problem of removal of manure from dairy farms and complexes, analyzes the existing technical means for removing manure and suggests a new way to solve the problem in question, by developing a multifunctional unit capable of removing from the premises not only manure, but also to remove the remains of fodder from the fodder tables, pre-farm paddock fi elds with a hard surface.
In the article were carried out the experimental research’s results of the infl uence of static and vibrodynamic loads on the process of compaction of the silage mass.
The methane yield from spring and winter rape straw in mixture with cattle manure in various proportions during anaerobic decomposition was determined as result of the research. Also energy potential comparative analysis and methane yield speed analysis of this various mixtures was made.
It was established that rape straw mixed with cattle manure can be used as a substrate for biogas production but to realize the maximum energy potential its content in the mixture should not exceed 40% of organic dry matter. With a higher content of rape straw in the mixture a decrease of methane yield and its production speed was observed.
Analysis of existing structures of the working bodies of the channel diggers for the creation of cut of drainage channels. Offers on the most effective ways of channels forming.
The article is devoted to the description of experimental installations developed in recent years in the Republican Unitary Enterprise “Scientifi c and Practical Center of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus for Agricultural Mechanization”, for studying traction, friction and wear of working bodies of tillage machines and implements, opening and explaining the main phenomena that occur during mechanical the impact of working bodies on the soil.
In article questions of restriction on drop of level of emission of the fulfi lled gases according to UNECE Regulations 49-02B are considered (Euro 2). The choice of basic characteristic dependence of angle of advance of injection of fuel and rotary speed on fuel effi ciency and toxicity of the fulfi lled gases is given. Additional constructive actions for ensuring norms of blowout of harmful substances of Euro 2 Д-245 engine are offered.
The article raises the issue of weed control in the nursery. A brief overview of the means of mechanization for tillage in nurseries and berry fi elds is presented.
The article presents the results of theoretical studies to determine the speed of movement of the air mixture fl ow for seeds and fertilizers.
The article contains brief information on the production and use ofpesticides on a global scale, describes the situation in the fi eld of application ofpesticides, mineral and organic fertilizers and lime materials in the Republic of Belarus: We have shown the reasons, because of which the potential of these chemicals is not fully realized, and as a result – a large shortage of agricultural products and volumes of unproductive fuel. Among those, the main reason is quantitative and qualitative inconsistency of the fl eet of machines with the required volumes of work on the use offertilizers, lime materials and pesticides, as well as the scarcity of storage facilities for their storage and storage of grain. New complexes of technical means for more effective application of all means of chemicalization of agriculture are presented.
In this article analyze the natural conditions and agricultural zones of the Republic of Uzbekistan according to climatic conditions, type and mechanical composition of soils, each of which requires the use of various agricultural technologies, technologies and machine complexes. The technological features of potatoes, vegetable and gardens cultivation are considered. Basic technological maps for the cultivation of potatoes, onions, carrots, fruit trees have been prepared.
Studies of the process of interaction of the wheel drive with the ground surface when the air pressure in the tire. As a result of researches it is established that the size of air pressure in tires renders essential infl uence on traction properties of wheel cars. As a result, the design of the system of automatic control of air pressure in the tires of mobile machines, depending on the road conditions.
The article presents the results of the research carried out on the process of supplying material resources as a factor infl uencing the effi ciency of managing production costs of an organization.
Basic equipment for crumbling, dozing and mixing of components of full-portion loose forages were presented in article. Also technological lines for granulation of several capacities, useful for family and agricultural farms were described. Moreover solution for loose forage quality for needs of pets were presented.
The article presents the results of development and economic effi ciency of application of a set of automated equipment for production of full-range mixed feed КОКК-10 in farm conditions.
The article presents theoretical studies of the parameters of a hydrodisperser for grinding grain fodder by means of cavitation.
The article substantiates the design and technological parameters and operating modes of the drum type soil sampler.
During the operation of automotive engines, their parts wear out, their geometric shape changes, the gaps between the friction pairs increase. The wear depends on many factors: operating conditions, timely and quality maintenance, quality performance materials that are timely fault detection and prevention, skilled operator etc. With longer service life engine, its operation becomes more expensive, increasing costs for maintenance and repair, and operating supplies. Operation of the engine with hidden faults may result in emergency wear and engine failure. Repair of the damaged engine requires large capital investments.
Diagnostic work is reduced to the sequential implementation of a number of actions and special measures aimed at confi rming or refuting assumptions about the manifested fault and the causes of its occurrence. It is important that all possible causes have been considered, the order of their consideration has been correctly determined (on the principle of “from simple to complex”) and the most effective, for a particular case, methods of diagnosis have been applied, which will reduce time and costs, as well as eliminate errors.
The operation of a faulty engine is characterized by a number of external manifestations, expressed in a change in the color of the exhaust gases, the presence of extraneous noises and knocks, increased consumption of operational materials, deterioration of the main operating characteristics (power, torque, etc.). An unambiguous correspondence of the external feature and the malfunction (defects) of the parts is not observed, so a causal analysis of the irregularities is required.
The article presents the results of an experimental study on the destruction of grain under dynamic impact. The regression equations are obtained that describe the dependence of the degree of deformation of the caryopsis on the speed and force of action on it. Based on the obtained equations, graphical dependencies are constructed and analyzed, showing the infl uence of force and speed on the degree of grain deformation, the analysis of which allowed us to conclude that the speed of action on the grain has a signifi cant effect on the degree of deformation of the grain. During the study, it was found that with dynamic destruction of the grain, the compression force for all types of the studied grain is lower than with static destruction.
This article provides the technical and design parameters of the equipment developed and proposed by us for the volume application of working solutions. This equipment is recommended for use as a part of a cultivator for inter-row cultivation or as a separate agricultural machine for potato cultivation, control of the Colorado potato beetle, other pests and plant diseases that are located mainly on the lower part of the leaves, as well as qualitatively process potato plants with biological preparations and feed liquid mineral fertilizers, which is one of the urgent tasks in the cultivation of environmentally friendly potatoes.
The work presents an overview of modern research methods and optimization of the process fl ow, applicable for use in agricultural combine harvesting.
The work presents functional mathematical model, analysis and selection of parameters of the mechanism of transverse balancing of grass header.
The article evaluates the energy-effi ciency of modern rod washing machines of high pressure. The author develops the technical solutions to the working component and removable adapter that raise the technical level and broaden technical opportunities of these machines.
The article deals with the problem of low level of automation of milking equipment for milking cows in milking parlors.
To solve this problem, design and technological scheme and the work algorithm of the adaptive milking equipment with the change of pressure in the collector milk chamber of the milking machine are developed. The use of which will lead to: less infl uence of the human factor, reducing the time of idle milking; increasing the completeness of milking of the animals and reducing the morbidity of animals to mastitis.
The article discusses certain problems of technical support of precision animal husbandry technologies in milk production, in particular, the creation of effective devices for the operational monitoring of milk fl ow and accounting for individual milk yield.
The results of production and laboratory tests of the developed milk meter are given.
The article discloses the concept of the strategy of adaptive maintenance and repair of mobile agricultural equipment, as well as its advantages over the well-known approaches to the organization of repair and maintenance work. The discloses of seasonal loading of mobile agricultural equipment in the farms of various natural production zones of Ukraine are revealed. A generalized algorithm has been developed to justify rational terms for maintenance and repair of mobile agricultural equipment based on the adaptive maintenance and repair strategy.
The article deals with the problem of improving the quality of agricultural crop production due to the introduction of biological protection of plants from pests.
To solve this problem, theoretical studies of the process of fl ight of a particle of biomaterial were carried out and an experimental verifi cation of the dosing and seeding device of an unmanned aerial vehicle for settling the trichogram was performed to determine the distribution of biomaterial on the surface of the fi eld.
The article presents the results of experimental studies. Presents the optimal modes of operation. The results of production testing and economic evaluation of the application of two-stage crushing of grain.
The article presents the results of theoretical studies to substantiate the parameters and operating modes of the roller and hammer mill with a vertical axis of rotation during two-stage grinding of grain. Analytical dependences are obtained for calculating the limit value of the inter-roll gap, the ratio of the speeds of the rollers of the fi rst grinding stage, the dependence for calculating the number of loading holes and the required feed rate of grain to the second grinding stage. The substantiation of the slope angles of the deck of the second grinding stage is given.
The article presents the results of experiments conducted in Bulgaria and Kabardino-Balkaria in protected ground on tomato crop. Effi ciency of pheromone application for mass trapping of tomato borer males to reduce the use of pesticides and increase the yield and quality of tomatoes are presented. The study’s results of the attractiveness of different structures of pheromone traps located at different levels are presented.