The article presents the main directions of scientific and technical progress in the field of mechanization of agriculture. The results of the development of innovations in this field in the Republic of Belarus at the present stage are presented.
Taking into account soil and climatic conditions of the Republic of Belarus, as well as the requirements of reducing production costs in market conditions, reduction of the equipment in the farms, protection of soil from erosion identified four main areas of establishment of the new technology until 2030.
The article provides information on the types, composition and volumes of manure in the Republic of Belarus, which is the primary material for the justification of the need machines for its utilization, the real conditions for its storage, storage and use are shown, the methodology for justifying the need machines for introducing litter manure, аspects of justifying the need for machines for applying semi-liquid and liquid manure. The actual availability of machines for the current time is given in comparison with the availability as of 01.01.1991.
Experimental studies of mobile power equipment MES-330 «Autotractor» on plowing are presented. The main operational indicators obtained during the execution of the technological operation by the MES-330 plow unit of the Hektor-1000 plow are given.
The article presents the results of theoretical studies of the influence of the vibrational motion of gratings on the efficiency of separation of seed mixtures.
It is established that, in some approximation, the processes of separation by plane oscillating gravitational and conical vibrating centrifugal gratings with a vertical axis of rotation and axial oscillations have a similarity.
Flat oscillating gravitational sieves provide the process of movement of a layer of a separated mixture over their surface when exposed to it as a component of the vibrational motion along the surface of the sieve, and acting in the normal direction of the component of this force, which creates conditions for intensification of the interlayer process – segregation, Intensity of particle sifting.
Cylindrical vibrating centrifugal sieves with a vertical axis of rotation and axial oscillations provide a significant increase in sieving performance due to an increase in the force of pressing the separable layer of the seed mixture to the sieve surface caused by the centrifugal force of their rotational motion. However, the process of segregation in the layer occurs only due to the action of the vibrational motion along the surface of the sieves caused by axial oscillations, which does not ensure the intensification of this process, similar to the process of separation by plane oscillating gravitational and conical vibrocentrifugal gratings.
The processes of separation of flat oscillating gravitational and conical vibrating centrifugal gratings with a vertical axis of rotation and axial oscillations (the surface of the sieves in the form of a section of the lateral surface of a truncated cone) have the greatest similarity with respect to the action of forces on the separable layer of the seed mixture.
The conical vibrating centrifugal sieves provide the layer of the separated mixture both by pressing against their internal surface and intensifying the segregation process due to the component of the vibrational motion in the normal direction, which makes them more efficient.
In the article an analytical review of the working bodies of the active type scheduler-cultivator for slopes of drainage channels. Describes the new design of the working body of the cutter scheduler with a zigzag arrangement of the rotors and the rear roller with longitudinal grooves.
The analysis of mechanization means and methods of perennial grasses sowing on the slopes of drainage channels are shown in the article. There were made proposals for the most efficiency irrigation methods.
In the article justified the design parameters of the cutter-scheduler with a zigzag arrangement of the rotors.
The article presents the result of the reserch of the conditions for the operation of machines for harvesting potatoes and developed a model of the technological process of a potato harvester.
The article presents theoretical studies of the interaction of cylindrical sealing elements of ring-and-rod rollers with soil, on the basis of which dependences were obtained to determine their rational design and technological parameters. From the strength conditions of the structure for bending and shearing, a formula is obtained for determining the rational diameter of cylindrical rods, depending on the required length used to fabricate the material and the specified operating conditions.
Results of the executed researches of unevenness of supply of liquid manure and power depending on change of frequency of rotation of a rotor are given in article.
The article describes the design and working process of the shaper of the hinged GN-1. The technical characteristics of the shaper of the hinged GN-1, as well as the indicators of its economic efficiency are given.
The article presents the results of studies on the calculation of the parameters of the pneumatic separation channel for grain cleaning. To calculate the parameters of the pneumatic separation channel, it is necessary to theoretically consider the pneumatic separation as a physical process of separating a small number of particles of the heavy and light components of the mixture by a vertical air flow. Based on the specified productivity of the grain cleaning machine, the theoretical dependencies are established: airflow velocity, length and depth of the pneumatic separation duct.
The article presents the results of studies carried out to justify the choice of grain cleaning and drying complex productivity. The need of agricultural enterprises in grain cleaning and drying capacities determines the gross harvest of grain and agrotechnical terms of harvesting. In order to simultaneously process grain of different cultures and purposes (forage or seed) at the same time, farms should have a complex with two or three technological lines high productivity for processing grain of gross – forming crops (rye, barley, wheat and triticale), average productivity on the basis of plants drying and regime storage of grain, as well as mobile grain dryers as auxiliary to the main equipment.
The article analyzes the use of waste shaking, flax-grass and non-conditional fiber to produce non-traditional products, as well as the feasibility of developing such production.
The article presents the results of a theoretical analysis of the production line to the short-flax-company VANHAWAERT (Belgium) and its member-from individual machines. Noting their positive qualities and shortcomings.
Researches of quality of work of the pneumatic sowing system of the centralized dispensing of sowing material of grain seeders are given in article. Result of these researches was development of the vertical distributing device which use at crops of grain and leguminous crops allows to make high-quality sowing and to distribute sowing material on the area of the field according to agrotechnical requirements, with unevenness of distribution of 3,8–6 %.
The article describes the situation of technical equipment beet industry the sugar beet from the clamps indicates the prospects of its further development.
In the article, based on the analysis of patent information by statistical methods, the level of patenting of seeding devices (sowing devices) of sowing machines is investigated.
The article presents justification for the installation of the normaliser in soil-tilling mashine of spiral-knife roller, which prepares plant residues to the cutting roller.
The article presents of theoretical studies of the influence of parameters of spiral-knife roller on its traction resistance in during work.
The analysis of the dosing devices of seeding machines is made in the article, the direction of further improvement of their design for sowing hard-flowing grass seeds is determined on its basis.
In the present work, the analysis of various potato growing technologies has been carried out, their advantages and disadvantages have been identified, as well as the possibility of application in agricultural enterprises of the republic.
The general and specialized technological methods used in the cultivation of potatoes are substantiated, the methods of soil preparation, planting, care of planting and harvesting of final products are considered.
The results of the research are aimed at the formation of an information base, which will allow us to promptly conduct an economic evaluation of the above-mentioned technologies, as well as a comparative analysis of machines and equipment, including foreign ones, used in the cultivation of potatoes.
The article provides comparative analysis of modern calibration surfaces, the calculation of comparative economic efficiency of the machine combined bearing surface with commercially available machines RC-1100 and MC-15 taking into account the paired transactions in the underlying technology of post-harvest handling and calibration of potato tubers. Based on the analysis of the performed calculations it is established that the bearing surface with longitudinal rollers provides high-quality separation of potato tubers into factions, while achieving savings by reducing costs of electricity, renovation, repair, maintenance and improvement of the quality of the calibration.
The article presents the results of the studies carried out to substantiate the design of the fruit harvesting machine and gives suggestions on the most optimal design and technological scheme of the self-propelled unit for harvesting fruits.
The article presents the results of the performed studies on the analysis of the working process of multi-seat mobile platforms for fruit harvesting and gives suggestions on the most promising scheme of the unit for harvesting dessert fruits.
The article presents the results of the performed studies on the analysis of the working process of multi-seat mobile platforms for fruit harvesting and gives suggestions on the most promising scheme of the unit for harvesting dessert fruits.
The article shows how the plans for scientific research in the field of mechanization of dairy farms were improved as agriculture developed.
In the first post-war years of the institute's activity, the task was to investigate and substantiate the parameters of individual machines for mechanizing the most labor-intensive processes on cattle farms. The experimental installations were developed, tested in economic conditions and then remained in the test sites for operation.
Since 1975 – the beginning of the active construction of new farms, the task was to develop machines for mechanization of technological processes.
Since the country has multicomponent feeding and low productivity, first of all began to develop complexes of machines for feed preparation based on batch mixers.
Research and testing of machines have shown that such equipment is inefficient, energy-intensive and metalintensive.
Therefore, a new scientific direction was developed to develop production lines with the optimization and combining of technological operations in feed preparation.
Based on these studies, mechanized technologies and sets of machines were developed in the field of feed preparation, milking and distribution of feed.
Currently, for the effective use of a multicomponent diet and reduce the consumption of feed, they are prepared in the form of a nutritionally balanced feed mixture with a high degree of digestibility.
In the article presents the results of the analyses of the status and development of feed industry of Russia for 2012–2017 years and makes a forecast of its development in the near future.
The article shows that one of the most important knots of any milking plant is a nipple rubber, since the amount and fat content of the milk obtained, the length of milking, the health of animals and the quality of milk depend on it. In this regard, the nipple rubber should well hold the glasses on the udder's nipples, preventing them from falling and crawling, not to prevent the flow of milk from the udder and at the same time tightly fit the nipples above the sphincter zone to protect them from the traumatic effect of the vacuum during the sucking cycle and completely block access Discharge to the nipples with a compression stroke (rest) to restore normal circulation in them. To fulfill these functions and requirements, as shown by numerous studies, the main parameters of the nipple rubber should be elasticity (elasticity, rigidity) and elongation. The elastic properties of rubber affect the duration of the sucking and squeezing stroke, the harder the nipple rubber, the greater the pressure drop must be applied to its walls so that they close under the nipple of the cow in the compression stroke, that is, the compression stroke will come a little later, and its duration will therefore decrease . During operation, the nipple rubber «ages», which leads to an increase in stiffness, a decrease in the massage effect on the nipples, an increase in the time spent on resting (compressing), increasing the time of milking and the appearance of microcracks on the inner surface where milk fats accumulate and microorganisms appear. As shown by Kingston's research, effective use of teat rubber should be no more than 2500 cow. With maintenance, domestic nipple rubber can effectively serve no more than 2300 cowworms.
The article analyzes technologies and constructions of existing devices for internal cleaning of silage from various physical and biological contaminations.
The article is devoted to the issue of obtaining extruded fodder from soybean and corn kernels for animals and birds. Extrusion improves the digestibility of the feed, making amino acids more accessible as a result of the breakdown in the protein molecules of the secondary bonds; removes all factors that adversely affect the nutritional value of raw materials.
The paper presents a set of equipment for obtaining a extrudate, the technological process is described.
The significant advantages of the extrudate are determined, which enable the introduction of new feeding programs that allow increasing the productivity of animals and at the same time reducing the consumption of grain components in the compound feed.
The article contains recommendations for improving the technological process of hay preparation. The description of new machines introduced into production is given, the efficiency of their application is calculated.
The article presents the results of the implementation of the resource-saving technology of two-stage grinding of grain in the «Agrokombinat Zhdanovichi» enterprise and the conducted research to identify rational operating conditions for the equipment.
The article presents theoretical and experimental studies to determine the maximum and minimum values of the ratio between the rollers of a roller shredder used as a first stage in a two-stage grinding of grain fodder.
The results of experimental studies on determining the costs of the specific energy of the forage harvester accelerator and the effort created by the flow of raw materials on the shield-catcher of the cut stalk mass are presented. The influence of the circumferential velocity of the ends of the rotor blades of the accelerator, the number of blades, the angle of inclination of the blades to the radial direction, the gap between the casing and the ends of the blades was investigated. Dependences of the specific energy consumption on the acceleration of the cut mass and the forces on the shield-catcher from the factors studied are obtained – the regression equations in the form of second-order polynomials.
The article presents theoretical and experimental studies to substantiate the method and device for dosing preservatives on self-propelled high-performance forage harvesters.
The article describes the results of the development of technological equipment for mechanization of the main technological processes at pig farms in RUE «SPC NAS of Belarus for agriculture mechanization»: preparation and distribution of feed, creating a microclimate in the pigsty, machine equipment for maintaining various technological groups of pigs, removing manure from the pigsty and its use and automation of the main technological processes. All sets of equipment passed acceptance tests and approved technical conditions. These kits are widely used in the reconstruction and new construction of pig complexes on new innovative technologies.
In the present article, an analytical review of the applied math-based methods for calculating the optimal trajectory of the machine-tractor aggregate along the field site is performed, starting from the models for the search of possible variants to the application of neural networks and algorithms of «ants» optimization.
The results of the research are aimed at the formation of the information and methodological base, which will allow to develop an original algorithm for calculating the optimal trajectory and normalizing the performance of the MTA for the given operating conditions of the equipment.
It given the method and algorithm of calculation of the production areas for the activities of the enterprise logistics, as an infrastructure for agricultural production.
In article need of increase in effective management of production costs on the basis of enhancement of process of supply of the organization is proved by material resources.
In article the sequence of creation of the Engine universal characteristic for the purpose of an assessment of profitability of the diesel Deutz BF06M1013FC of tractor «Belarus-3022DTS» and the choice of optimum power setting is stated, data of load characteristics of the considered engine are obtained by results of tests in the test center «Traktor» of «MTZ» with use of the certified HORIBA DT2100 stand.
Based on the analysis of ways of achievement of the greatest fuel profitability, and also publications of domestic and foreign scientists in this area, it is marked that curves of specific effective fuel consumption can be adequately described by means of regression model of the second level as effective pressure and rotating speed of a crankshaft of the diesel. The regression model of specific effective fuel consumption received in the course of work in the form of a polynomial of function which arguments are parameters of an operating mode is provided: mean effective pressure and rotating speed of a crankshaft of the diesel.
Was obtained formula for determining the necessary duration of running in depending the average speed of changing of mechanical losses power, the mechanical losses power at the beginning of running in, the oil temperature. The algorithm for selective establishing the duration of the regime of diesel engine alignment has been obtained. All this allows to decrease the average duration of the after repair stand running in not less than 15 % with fuel-energy resources saving in comparison with the rational mode.
In the article combined scheme of purification of the engine and its parts based on hydrodynamic highpressure cleaning apparatus with a set of special adapters technical and biodegradable detergents. The main goal of this work is development of resource-saving technology of cleaning of the engine and its parts for the repair, most fully meet the technical, sanitary and ecological requirements and economic possibilities of repair-serving enterprises of agroindustrial complex.
The article presents the basics of modeling of technological processes based on information parameters. The mathematical model of the diesel engine with the all-speed governor is presented. The modeling technique is given in the software package MBTY and results of calculations of operation of the engine D-240.
This article lists the shortcomings of TСP 148–2008, which are expressed both in the incomplete presentation of the list of tests, and in a number of inconsistencies with other TNLA.
The article considers GOST R52778–2007 and its application in testing. There are some discrepancies in this GOST when using it.
The article shows the theoretical dependence, which allows to predict the efficiency of transport service of forage harvest. Proposed organizational and technical measures to reduce industrial injuries when loading and unloading the crop from the vehicle.
The influence of the electric field intensity on the disintegration of colloid particles of animal waste was considered, the criterion for evaluation was the methane output during its fermentation after applying a different voltage to the disintegrator electrodes and the dynamic viscosity of the treated substrate.
In article some aspects of exact agriculture are considered. It is shown that with use of a vegetative index and various dose of introduction of nitrogen fertilizers it is possible to regulate growth of plants and to trap a difference with use of the space image.
Using the variational method on the basis of the Euler-Lagrange equation, the shape of the guiding blade of a centrifugal accelerating device is determined, at which the solid particle moves for a minimum time between two given points of the centrifugal field.